Keto-approved Elderberry Gummies

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Keto-approved Elderberry Gummies



Elderberry gummies can help boost wellness in your whole family!

  1. Grease molds or glass pan with coconut oil or avocado oil to prevent sticking.
  2. Place 1/4 cup of cooled elderberry syrup in a 2 cup measuring cup and add gelatin powder.
  3. Quickly whisk to temper the gelatin powder.
  4. Add the ½ cup of hot (not boiling) water and stir quickly until smooth.
  5. Add remaining elderberry syrup and stir or whisk until smooth.
  6. Pour or drop into molds and put in fridge for 2 hours or until completely firm.
  7. Pop out of molds and store in air tight container, with parchment paper between layers to prevent sticking.
  8. Take daily as needed to remain above the wellness line or take every few hours once you've fallen below the wellness line.
  9. Will last up to a week in the fridge in an air tight container.

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